To order my step-by-step photo illustrated craft book, "Eggcentricity, A Guide to Decorating Eggshell Ornaments", send $21.90 (cost includes first class USPS shipping) via Paypal payment to: dorothea@fairpoint.net
Also available- the egg crafting kit- includes paints, brushes, cotton balls, handy drying stand with prop sticks, plus trim material for at least one dozen ornaments- kit includes the step-by-step instruction book. You supply eggs, glue, scissors and imagination- just $49.00 includes shipping.
Copyright © 2008-present
All text, graphics, images, and photos are copyright property of Eggcentricity and may not be reused, reproduced, copied, or altered in any way with out express permission. "Eggcentricity" is a registered trademark of Eggcentricity and may not be reused. Design by jennifer's imagination